
Microsurgical Spermatic Cord Denervation

Men with chronic testicular pain may benefit from the less invasive surgical procedure known as microsurgical spermatic cord denervation. The spermatic cord, which is a bundle of nerves and blood vessels that goes from the belly to the testicles, is frequently the source of this pain due to nerve damage or inflammation. Not every patient with testicular pain requires to be operated or shall benefit with surgery.

Symptoms of chronic testicular pain

The pain can be dull or sharp and may be constant or intermittent. It can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, tenderness, or a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum.


Injuries or trauma to the testicles, infections or inflammation of the testicles or epididymis (the tubes that deliver sperm), and nerve damage or irritation in the spermatic cord are a few possible reasons of chronic testicular discomfort (the bundle of nerves and blood vessels that runs from the abdomen to the testicles). Hernias, varicoceles (expanded scrotal veins), and some diseases like cancer or autoimmune disorders are additional potential reasons. Prostatitis can be a cause of pain in the testis as well. Men perceive scrotal content pain as testis pain.

Diagnosis & Treatment

Typically, a physical examination, medical history, and diagnostic procedures like ultrasound, are used to identify chronic testicular pain. Medications like painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics or other therapies to treat infection or inflammation, or surgery to cure underlying disorders like hernias or varicoceles are all possible forms of treatment. An andrologist specifically deals with prostatitis and testis pain and has a different algorithm of approach towards this nagging condition of long standing dull aching testis pain.

In some circumstances, treating persistent testicular discomfort may be challenging and necessitates a multidisciplinary strategy that includes pain-relieving procedures like nerve blocks or physical therapy. More invasive therapies like microsurgical spermatic cord denervation may be suggested in extreme circumstances.


A small incision is created in the groin during the surgery, and the injured or inflamed nerves in the spermatic cord are found and removed with the aid of an operating microscope. The transmission of pain signals is impeded by eliminating these nerves, and patients frequently report a considerable decrease or removal of their persistent testicular pain.


Microsurgical spermatic cord denervation has the benefit of being minimally invasive, which reduces patient discomfort, scarring, and recovery time compared to more invasive procedures. This benefit is not complete with drugs and hence surgical treatment can give long lasting recovery. Within a few days, most patients are able to resume their regular activities, and problems like infection or bleeding are uncommon.

The microsurgical spermatic cord denervation procedure is not a panacea for all forms of chronic testicular pain, it is crucial to remember this. Before deciding on this operation, patients should have a comprehensive evaluation by a licenced urologist or pain management professional to ascertain the underlying source of their discomfort.

Microsurgical spermatic cord denervation might be an effective treatment for you if you have ongoing testicular pain. To find out if this operation is best for you and to find out more about the potential risks and advantages of the process, talk to your healthcare professional.