
Surgery for Peyronie’s Disease

The disorder known as Peyronie's disease is off late increasing in view of the diabetic pandemic. The formation of scar tissue within the penis, which can cause the penis to bend or curve during an erection and cause pain and discomfort during sexual activity.

Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease

A bend or curvature in the penis during an erection, pain or discomfort during sexual activity, and a reduction in penis length or girth are all signs of Peyronie's disease. Some men may only have a moderate curvature or no symptoms at all, and the severity of symptoms can vary.


Although the precise aetiology of Peyronie's disease is unknown, it is thought to be connected to a penile injury, genetics, or an autoimmune issue. This illness mainly affects men between the ages of 40 and 70.

Diagnosis & Treatment

A physical examination, a review of the patient's medical history, and imaging tests like an ultrasound or rarely an MRI to confirm the presence of plaques or scar tissue in the penis are frequently used in the diagnosis of Peyronie's disease. The most important diagnostic test which an andrologist performs is the diagnostic intracavernosal injection testing which guides in the assessment of erectile function, degree of curvature and to plan the treatment plan.

Oral medications are ineffective in Peyronie disease. In men with good erectile function and good penile length, injections of collagenase (Xiaflex), which can assist to break down the scar tissue in the penis, or surgery to remove the scar tissue and straighten the penis may be used as Peyronie's disease treatments. A mix of treatments may be employed in some circumstances. However, Xiaflex is available only in the United States. In India, we use verapamil which has been shown to be effective in certain patients with Peyronie disease.


A surgical treatment called penile curvature correction is done to treat Peyronie’s disease-related penile curvature. The available surgeries include plication and plaque-incision and grafting. Plication is typically performed in men who have a good erection and stable penile length, and it is possible to achieve a functionally straight penis. In certain men, the scar tissue that is causing the curvature is incised and various grafts may be placed (such as Bovine pericardium, porcine SIS, buccal mucosa or saphenous vein graft) to prevent erectile dysfunction after this operation. In men with significant erectile dysfunction, the placement of a penile implant can help straighten the penis as well in the recovery of erectile function.


The surgery might take 2-3 hours to complete and is essentially ly carried out while the patient is under general anaesthesia. It is typically performed as a day care procedure. Although recovery times vary, most patients can anticipate returning to their regular activities in a matter of 1-2 weeks. Patients may feel some discomfort, swelling, and bruising after surgery, which can be treated with painkillers and ice packs.


Surgical correction helps in maintaining the penile length and erection. An untreated case of Peyronie disease can have progressive shortening of penis and it can be distressing for the patient and the partner.

It is crucial to consult a licensed urologist who is trained in management of this relatively difficult condition. They can give you further details on the risks and advantages of the surgery and assist you in deciding if penile curvature correction is the best option for you.